reflexiónes desde las cloacas

Spain: "Marry and be submissive," a book that sparked controversy

Spain: "Marry and be submissive," a book that sparked controversy

Protest against the book during the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. 

För ett par veckor sedan dök det upp i Spanien en bok som behöver uppmärksammas. Det är en bok som  gör en apologi till macho kulturen och som till på köpet är skriven av en kvinnlig italiensk journalist. En engelsk artikel följer till den som är intresserad av få veta hur Franco inflytande i det spanska samhället fortfarande är aktuellt i allra högsta grad.

Njut av lässning och dra dina egna slutsaser.



The author is an Italian journalist who decided to make a fuss in the Spanish market has phrases like "we like Mortification," "it's time to learn the loyal and generous obedience, submission". Part of the book cover Marry and be submissive.

Rarely has a book generated so much criticism. Even the political parties of diverse ideological strata agree repudiation. Marry and be submissive is a book by Italian journalist Costanza Miriano and edited by the publisher in Spain New Home, created by the Archbishop of Granada, Francisco Javier Martinez, identified as one of the most conservative prelates of the church hierarchy.

The book's title is not ironic. Metaphors without express what you want to convey. In the paragraph of the cover used by the publisher to promote it on their website reads: "Now is the time to learn the loyal and generous obedience, submission and, between us, we can say:. Below standing which is stronger resistant, because whoever is holding the world below. "

The reviews were felt, among other sectors, the group of women. The president of the Federation of Separated and Divorced Women, Ana Maria Perez del Campo, says that this is "a very clear manual violence" because "enslaves women." Political parties were quick to react. Izquierda Unida ( IU) urged prosecutors to investigate if the book makes "advocacy of violence against women." The Andalusian Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) Archbishop demanded the immediate withdrawal of the book because he considers it "discriminatory and sexist." And to the Popular Party (PP) also requested the archbishop to "rectify" because the book is "a real nonsense."

On Monday, the Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality, Ana Mato, who had been criticized for not rule on the matter, publicly called for the withdrawal of the publication because it is "disrespectful to women" and so it has been made known to the Archdiocese through a letter sent by the Director of the Institute for Women.

And at such a storm of criticism, the archbishop said what? On November 15 published a long statement on his website to defend the book. A Francisco Javier Martínez is satisfied that the book "is helping many people" because it is an "evangelizing" work "does not justify, excuse or promote any of violence against women ", which" promotes and facilitates it does, however, legislation liberalizing abortion, like all measures that weaken or eliminate the marriage. " It refers to man and woman, of course.

The archbishop said his position on the book is "in accordance with the teachings of the Church", but the truth is that the reviews have occurred even within the ecclesiastical hierarchy. The Bishop of Bilbao, Mario Iceta, has said that the title of the book "does not reflect what the Church thinks" about the marriage, and believes it is "provocative" and "unfortunate." Iceta title speaks only because he recognizes that he has not read the book, as the spokesman of the Episcopal Conference, José María Gil Tamayo, who says that "submission does not correspond to the doctrine of the Church and the Gospel" and that Christian obedience "obedience is not a barracks." But Tamayo also warns that to review a book you have to "go from the intro."


Marry and be submissive is structured as letters Miriano Costanza (42, married with four children) to my friends, accompanied by reflections-on-tone relaxed about her experience as a wife and mother. To Miriano, success in marriage goes through the submission of the wife to the husband."You'll have to learn to be submissive, as St. Paul says," the text says. And he explains: "When Paul tells women to accept being under, do not think they are far inferior." "Submission of which St. Paul speaks is a free and all gift, because if not, it would be an imposition."

It is clear to the author that the woman is in a plane of equality with men, but underneath, if I do say Miriano San Pablo and to strive to be below is not less. For the moment, no shared sacrifice or share tasks. The writer is shown against what he calls the "logic of contract in marriage", "I've taken care of children for you to be playing indoor football, you have to stay with them now that I may go to Fitness. Rather than a partner, a company. And businesses open and close based on market demands. way means soaring divorce, with women in crisis putting the old balance-sometimes rightly, but without knowing propose new ones. "

So the wife, better stay at home and in the kitchen, and who took great pains in this, as in another passage he spits a friend: "It's true, you're still not an experienced cook or a housekeeper perfect . What is wrong if I say? Tell you're right, it's true, you learn. Seeing your sweetness and your humility, your effort to become, he too will become. "

Bookcover Marry and be submissive.

Clearly the role that each must take in marriage."When it comes to married life (.), Three steps back. And it must be done even if you do not understand why, even if you are firmly convinced of being right," he says in another paragraph. And nothing to discuss, "If something he does not seem right, who have to vértelas is with God" because "God has placed you beside your husband, the saint who supports you in spite of everything," he says her friend, because, Miriano, "when your husband makes you angry I always think it's for trifles". So he advises, "When in doubt, however, obey Submit with confidence.". For the husband is like God, "Luigi [assuming her friend's husband] is the path that God has chosen to love you, and is your way to heaven When I say something, therefore we must listen like. God who speaks to you (.) because often sees more clearly than you. " "No Luigi, Margherita is not fully herself".

Miriano delves into submission: "Do I have to agree even though I would not have it so?". "If only you welcome that which is according to you, what you think, you're not married to a man but yourself. Instead of doing that, you must submit to him." But quiet, nothing happens, "I will fear, because leaving your own convictions is horrible but you're not throwing the empty, you're throwing your arms.".

To the author of the submission is the attitude you should take the wife to the husband Ignore "check, I can assure you that a man can not resist a woman who respects him, recognizing his authority , striving loyally listen, to leave aside their own way of seeing things, the language of love that accepts walk very different paths to which she had chosen to be alone "bites. "Little by little be he who will ask you what you think, what to do, where to aim the family. And that respect is won with respect, devotion with this submission."

A submission that borders on masochism: "Mortification is because we like to achieve a greater good, and that good is to welcome your husband therefore engendrarte yourself" can be read in the book. "It is a continuous effort elasticity, and often may seem like you've given him a lot, when in fact you remained in your selfishness." Archbishop was right to criticize the book must be read. And, once exceeded the intro, you can see that the title perhaps falls short.


  "I've taken care of children for you to be playing indoor football, you have to stay with them now that I may go to the gym. Rather than a partner, a company. And businesses open and close based on market demands. way means soaring divorce, with women in crisis putting the old balance-sometimes rightly, but not knowing propose new ones. "

  "So the wife, better stay at home and in the kitchen, and they did my best on it.'s True, you're still not an experienced cook not a perfect housewife. What is wrong if I say? Tell you're right, it's true, you learn. Seeing your sweetness and your humility, your effort to become, he too will become. "

  "When it comes to married life (.), Three steps back. And it must be done even if you do not understand why, even if you are firmly convinced of being right."

  "If only you welcome that which is according to you, what you think, you're not married to a man but yourself. Instead of doing that, you must submit to him."

  "Mortification is because we like to achieve a greater good, and that good is to welcome your husband therefore engendrarte yourself."


Visst är det en pärla! Som enligt min mening hör utan tvekan till mänsklighetens soptunnan. Och glöm aldrig att fascismen finns överallt runt omkring oss.

Ha det så bra!

Guillermo Ortiz-Venegas

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